Episode 103: Packaging and Valiance

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Intro and Welcome:

Baby Talk

Whatcha Been Playing?

Jason has been playing: Rumplebum, Gubs, Parade

Rob has been playing: Rumplebum, Gubs, Parade

Feature of the Week:


Practicing the Pitch:

Jason and Rob do a team challenge pitch



One response to “Episode 103: Packaging and Valiance”

  1. Roger Hicks Avatar

    Another awesome episode. I really enjoy your show! Here’s an idea for the Valiance game: The attacker chooses a card to play as the attack. The defender can block the attack by playing a card with the defensive symbol (upper deck logo) in the same position as the attack symbol (valiance logo) on the attack card. So if I play an attack card with the valiance symbol in the upper left you can block it by playing a card with the UD logo in the upper left.

    If the defender can’t block he can instead counter the attack by playing a card depicting one of the same characters that appears on the attacker’s card. If a player can’t block or counter he takes a hit.